
Hi! I’m Sarah, and welcome to my world.
Sarah Thursday started one Halloween in 2013, as I freshly graduated from Design School and wanted to prove my Lecturers wrong for giving me a shit grade for my Final Year Project. And now, it’s my life, my world and everything I could wish for. So thank you.
What started from prints, stickers and handmade journals has grew into an artist label of an everything-black merch line!
Starting an independent art career in Singapore is not easy but the support garnered from my amazing community of my friends on the internet and conventions have been everything to me.
I look forward to continuing this journey as an artist and will keep working hard, upgrading myself and my work for you guys.
Stalk me on @sarahthursday or drop me a DM too!
You can also support me on my Patreon (patreon.com/sarahthursday)
Love y’all and keep wearing black.
Sarah Thursday
P.S. Yes I effing love cats.
& dogs.